
A Brief Remark on Content

Thank you for your interest in the Boney Trilogy. It starts with a high school senior breaking into his school to steal an upcoming test copy, only to bump into a murderer hiding a body in the furnace room. Both need to find out who the other one is and get to him first. As the story progresses, new characters add to the building suspense.

These are not for young children, as I've received comments like; "My kids read your book. They were very disturbed." It is about a serial killer and, even though there isn't any of the usual kidnap/torture stuff, there is strong language and violence. Otherwise, it's a fast-paced, realistic, and entertaining story to read, taking place over 3 years (one for each book).

Although each book is a stand-alone and can be ordered individually, I am releasing all 3 at the same time so there is no waiting for the next installment to be written. Please enjoy the series and help me with a comment on your thoughts. I'd be glad to answer any question you have about them.